Monday, May 11, 2009

Crop duster

This morning, as I was feeding Eli his nap time bottle, Sam and Cora were playing outside. I heard a plane fly over head rather close and then the kids came running in saying, "There's a plane in the front yard!"

Did you ever notice that if anything loud is going to happen, its going to happen during the critical period of time when the baby is falling asleep? For example: the phone rings (twice), the repair men come to work on the roof, a friend stops by with her three kids, the dog barks at birds....and the list goes on and now includes a crop duster starts flying over your house repeatedly.

Today it was the crop duster, dusting the neighbors two wheat fields. Eli slept right through it, and the rest of us went outside to enjoy the show. It was really fun to watch as he dipped really low to let out the dust and then made some steep turns. The pilot must be a father, because just before he finished he came real low right in front of us, and we have no wheat in our yard! The kids LOVED it, and Sam said, "That plane sure is dandy!" (Sounds like something Opie would say:)
Sam decided he would like to have that job when he grows up, but not if he has to fly to Indianapolis because that is too far. Nor does he want to sleep in the plane or the airport, which I assured him the pilot does go home each night. Its so fun to hear a kids perspective on things!
Crop dusters have become more common in our area in recent years. Partly because of high gas prices and also they don't damage the crop that is already thick and tall like a sprayer would. And who doesn't love the sound a little airplane circling over head. I wonder if those planes have passenger seats?

1 comment:

Lauren said...

that reminds me of Pearl Harbor.