Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Exploring Nature

This week Sam made nature letters. We walked around the yard collecting various nature items, then he sat on the front porch and made each letter of the alphabet with the items. It was fun, and definitely too beautiful to stay inside. Above is an "N" of flower stems and chicken feather. (Speaking of chickens, our young hens started laying this week, and their little eggs are so cute! Maybe I'll post a pic.)

Last night Sam and Josh went squirrel hunting. The last time Sam went along, he talked the whole time and they didn't get anything. So next time Josh went without him and got two. We explained to Sam that he HAD to be quiet, and Josh said he did great this time. They didn't see anything for a while so they prayed and less than five minutes later they got one. They also thanked God right away. Josh's actions and words have a huge impact on Sam, so I'm so glad he lives out his faith in all areas.
We can also add squirrel anatomy to our science curriculum. I knew we were in trouble when Sam yelled to Cora (who loved to pet the squirrel), "Hurry Cora, he's about to cut the tail off!" Now we have squirrel in the frindge, and don't ask me who is going to cook that. I also hope our readers know that we are PETA members...People Eating Tasty Animals.

Go Boilers!

We are having beautiful fall weather this week, and Eli looks so grown up in a sweatshirt. He even wore shoe last night, which he does not like. Cora got so tickled when she saw Eli in shoes. He has quit walking solo, deciding its quicker to crawl I guess. In shoes, he hardly even stands up. I guess its time to start using them more so he can get used to it...better start getting ready to go 5 minutes sooner with another pair of shoes to put on. Eli curls his toes tight when I put them on him, so I have to unlace all the way, set his foot in, hold it flat tightly while lacing, and wrestle to keep him still. Better make it 10 minutes earlier!


Erin said...

I have to know what you do with the squirrel (and the squirrel meat). I can't imagine there is much meat on those guys- is it really worth the effort?

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

We are meat lovers too. It's all good. Love the pic!!! So fun to have someone who really loves God pass that on! What a shining light.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was nice of the little squirrel to give his life to teach - God answers prayer, a lesson in science, how dog's burry said first squirrel (another story) how mommy doesn't cook squirrel, grandma Mimi does, and just a good all round evening spent with dad in the woods.