Thursday, April 16, 2009

Warning labels

Maybe children should come with warning labels. Here are few I thought of.

Ø Warning: May cause extreme drowsiness while keeping you awake at night.

Ø Permitting this child in your house will result in stained carpet, stinky bathrooms, and clutter.

Ø This child is capable of pulling hair, scratching face, and biting in one swift movement.

Ø Be advised: This child can melt your insides, steal your heart, and fry your brain.

Ø Loving this child will change your life.

Of course, even though we know all this, Josh has already asked when we can start the adoption process again. Although I gave him a rather cold look at the time, I’m sure it will happen. Besides with three little ones already, what’s another?!


Guatmama said...

It is hard to turn orphans away once your eyes have been opened...

My devotional this morning reminded me of you...from the Upper Room if you have access to this. The title was a Pillow for my Head and I prayed for you and your family!

Jess & Matt said...

Too funny!

The Fee Family said...

How cute:)

Anonymous said...

Being a Nana & Papaw is also wonderful and exciting. As an example the Pirate Boat in Florida. Something I wish we could have done with our kids. But still such a joy to be able to do with our grandkids. Two weeks to Holiday World!

Ron & Maria said...

You are right! they melt, steal, and fry! but isn't it great to have them! I can't imagine how boring my life and clean my house would be without them!

Lauren said...

you+me+eli=friday night...

it's a date. bring your camera