Thursday, May 13, 2010

3 Little Monkeys

Cora is doing very well with her bummed up eye. Thanks to everyone for praying. We had a follow-up with the eye surgeon, who said all looks great. Thankfully there was absolutely no damage to her actual eye/vision. And we were very pleased to learn that not only our health insurance will cover it, but also mom and dad's home owners will help too!

I do think Cora gave grandpa quite a scare though. We were over there this evening, and all the kids were playing like monkeys on the swing set and grandpa was a nervous wreck! He says they are all accidents waiting to happen. What I'd like to know is how Sam is the only one now who hasn't had stitches!

Sam is covered in poison ivy. He and Cora like to play in a grove of pine trees beside our house, but each summer there seems to be more poison ivy in there. Last week he was playing in there without a shirt on and actually came out swinging a long vine of poison ivy. Sure enough, he is now covered on his chest and arms. It doesn't seem to bother him too much though. Today he wanted to play in there so he put on long sleeves and pants, until he got too hot:)

Eli and Daisy have become pretty good buddies. One day I jokingly told him to ride Daisy, and he climbed right on. She just laid there and he thought it was hilarious. Now he does it every time he catches her laying down.

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