Tuesday, May 11, 2010

High and Tight

While in Virginia with Nana and Papaw, Sam visited Quantico Marine Corp Base. On base, he got a "high and tight" hair cut, just like a marine. He is so proud, and its so cute!

Trips like this are a huge advantage of home schooling. He got to see and experience so many things, like black bears when they were hiking in Shenandoah National Park, homeless people, war memorials, funeral procession in Arlington, plus time with family.

Part of the reason for the trip was to show Jo and Neeltje around DC. Jo was a high school foreign exchange student in 1995/1996. He stayed with Josh's family, and he has been a part of the family ever since. We all love him very much, and thankfully, he likes to come here (about 6 visits now) and someday we will visit him in Holland. We all fell in love with Neeltje too, Jo's girlfriend. Sam really liked her, and wanted to go back with her:)
Here's Jo and Cora at Spring Mill State Park.

Cora is recovering well from her surgery. We were at the hospital for about 5 hours. She has stitches in her eyebrow, and then a bunch around her eye in a "C" shape. She did well with the anesthesia (though I was more nervous than I thought I'd be when they took her away). Once she finally woke up, she had a popsicle and we were on our way. Yesterday evening she complained of a lot of pain. This morning it looks very swollen and bruised, and she was very alarmed when she saw it in the mirror. We will go see the doctor tomorrow to have it checked out, and then the stitches are the dissolvable kind. Time will tell about scarring...

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